Friday, September 09, 2016

Chlorophyllum rachodes--Shaggy Parasol Mushroom--Maybe**

This was up under the big maple in the back yard, all by it's lonesome! About 5" tall.

This is the other side, showing a little one at the base.
Here's a peek up under the "skirt".

Barely ten minutes later, it was opening up the parasol.

**Disclaimer:  I'm by no means an expert and from Wikipedia I find this:

"...The shaggy parasol is popularly praised as a choice edible mushroom. However, it contains toxins which can cause gastric upsets when eaten raw or undercooked, and some individuals show a strong allergic response even after cooking.[citation needed]
Furthermore, young shaggy parasols look identical to the poisonous Chlorophyllum molybdites (the mushroom that causes the most poisonings in North America yearly).[2] Checking the spore print is essential as C. molybdites' print is green (older specimens have slightly green gills). As a result, this mushroom is not recommended for inexperienced hunters..."

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